Angels, Moses and Joy Guides, Oh My!

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My Personal Experience by Mary Carol Ross

It was a mild Texas summer day in 1975. I was one of eight cousins visiting Aunt B’s ranch that day. As typical kids, we had escaped the adults to explore the fifty acres and its five ponds. Prior to my arrival my older cousins had been digging tunnels in the dry side of a pond’s outer bank.

My younger sister, my cousin and I decided we would continue digging to extend the length of the tunnels. I remember laying inside the tunnel, at the very base, face up, with my right hand extended, writing “Mary Carol was here!” At that very moment, unexpectedly, my world went dark. I could not see anything. I screamed out for help! I could not breathe!

Without warning the walls had instantly collapsed around me. I found myself buried eight feet below the surface.

Following that moment of darkness, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. As quickly as the darkness fell, the light began to return. I felt myself being separated from my body and my consciousness being lifted from the dirt towards the Heavens.

As I looked down towards my body, I saw a beautiful Angel, hovering over my lifeless body under the dirt. She was glowing with the essence of a billion twinkling lights and the illumination of a hundred full moons, her wings in full extension and her left hand reaching into the dirt. Her hand was cupped like an oxygen mask over my mouth, nose and eyes. The Angel’s right hand was guiding me upward. I could see my sister and my cousin frantically digging in the dirt at the base of the tunnel as I continued upward.

My upward journey took me to a beautiful outdoor room, an elderly man with a long white beard waiting to greet me. Time seemed to stand completely still. During my conversation with the elderly man, he said, “My child, you were in an accident and you have died. It’s not your time to be here and end this life, you have work to do. But it is your choice.” It was my decision whether to return to my body and my life.

Once I made the decision to return, I was quickly sent back to my body. It felt like an instant thought and I was back, but I was no longer eight feet under.

Only my eyes, nose, and mouth were exposed to the air; my right arm was buried, but only by a light cover of dirt. I lifted my arm, brushed the dirt from my face and yelled to my family below. Most of my body was still encapsulated in the earth. I needed to be dug out.

My cousin yelled to me, “how did you get up there? You were down here! What happened?” I didn’t have an explanation for her at that time.

From that day forward, my intuition, visions, and my ability to read the energy of people and animals intensified. One of the blessings that came out of that buried-in-the-earth tragedy is that it gave me the road map to navigate between the worlds with frequency and ease. Later, applying this knowledge, I learned to heal humans and animals with energy.

Additionally, through extensive spiritual education and meditation I mastered the ability to communicate with the other side. That’s when I realized the instant the cave in happened, my Joy Guide, Posey, called out to the Angels to help me. Angel Gabrielle came to my rescue immediately. She arrived with the much-needed oxygen to keep my little body alive while I conversed with the elderly man who turned out to be Moses. Gabrielle gave me the boost I needed to be freed from my earthly tomb. Miraculously, I had no major injuries. (We didn’t even tell my parents about it until a year later.)

I learned that Angels are the most widely known of our spiritual helpers available. They are Universal souls and can be compared to our first responders on earth. Just as our police officers, paramedics, and firefighters come to our rescue when we are in trouble or in crisis, Angels are the first on the scene of an emergency for both humans and animals. It is my pleasure to introduce my clients to the ever present power of our connection with Angels.

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